Work With Us

Practice Anywhere
Work where you live, and love where you work!
Our service is designed to provide support access to all Australians but particularly those which find accessing support difficult due to location, time or simply find it challenging to attend regular sessions at a traditional clinic. Our mission is to break down support access barriers and provide quality psychological care, through compassion, understanding and trust.
Our online business model allows our team to work from any location across Australia, and provide support to clients from all over the country. As we know the reality of accessing support for a lot of Australians can itself impede positive mental health outcomes. Often clients have to compromise on their choice of a psychologist and the experience and training that psychologists offers may only meet the support needs of a minority in that location, if the support is available at all. Often we find in our traditional clinics referrals from two, three or more hours away because there simply is not enough support out there. This is a chance for you to get support out to those communities, and all Australians who need it, without having to leaving your home.
Whether you choose to provide support to these areas one session a day or full time, is at your discretion. We understand that providing telehealth fulltime comes with it’s own challenges to some practitioners and we acknowledge that many of us have other work or research related responsibilities (as well as enjoying life!). Our priority is to get support to those who need it and even a small commitment of your time will help.
Why Work With Us
Becoming a part of the PLA team means joining a a community, not just a work place. You can choose to engage in regular peer consultation, view or take part in the presentation of new research and share in each others experiences both on line and face to face.
Attractive Remuneration
We offer a transparent pricing structure. Our fixed monthly fee is 25% of your total client fees.
Flexible Hours
Work a few hours a week or take on a full time client load without the extra hassle of running your own practice.
Practice Anywhere
Choose your location - home, office, on the move. The only requirement is that you can maintain a secure connection in a space that protects client confidentiality.
Attractive Remuneration
We offer a transparent pricing structure. Our fixed monthly fee is 25% of your total client fees.
Flexible Hours
Work a few hours a week or take on a full time client load without the extra hassle of running your own practice.
Practice Anywhere
Choose your location - home, office, on the move. The only requirement is that you can maintain a secure connection in a space that protects client confidentiality.
Office Administration
We take care of calendar management and reception services for you leaving you free to focus on client therapy.
Secure IT Services
We provide access to tried and tested professional email, video consultation platform, cloud based practice management, billing and payment services so that you don't have to.
Client Sourcing
With our growing referral network in place, we will source clients to fill your selected availability through your private calendar.
Office Administration
We take care of calendar management and reception services for you leaving you free to focus on client therapy.
Secure IT Services
We provide access to tried and tested professional email, video consultation platform, cloud based practice management, billing and payment services so that you don't have to.
Client Sourcing
With our growing referral network in place, we will source clients to fill your selected availability through your private calendar.
Who We're Looking For
We have no ‘ideal candidate’ at PLA. Our goal is to link clients across Australia with psychology support. The diversity of our clients backgrounds needs to be matched with a similar diversity in the PLA psychology team, including their areas of expertise, background, gender and age.
PLA is also aiming to support psychology graduates and registered psychologists returning for further study, by providing an opportunity to gain hard to come by experience, as well the prospect to network with an ever growing team of psychologists.
If PLA sounds like a community that you’re interested in, we welcome you to contact us.